For servo drive series:
B8050/MB8050-ML (MC-Link), -EC, -IP, -PN, -PL, -SC
C1100-CO, -DS, -EC, -PN, -RS, -SE
C1250-CC, -CM, -DS, -EC, -IP, -LU, – PD, -PL, -PN, -SE, -SC
C1250-MI, -CC, -DS/EC, -CM, -LU, -PD/PN, -PL, -SC
C1251-2S, -PDS, -PNS, -FSoE
C1450-DS, -EC, -IP, -LU, -PD, -PL, -PN, -SC, -SE
E1200-CO, -DP, -DS, -EC, -IP, -LU, -PL, -PN, -RS, -SC, -SE
E1400-CO, -DP, -DS, -EC, -IP, -LU, -PD, -PL, -PN, -RS, -SC, -SE
I1150-DS, -EC, -SE
Supported OS: Win10, Win11; all 32 & 64 Bit
B1100 and E1100 servo drive series are supported until LinMot-Talk 6.9 Build 20210430. See under old releases.
The zipped version is used in the following cases:
Old Releases
View Old Releases
The below documentation is as well included in the subdirectory \doc of the installed software. GSD file for PROFIBUS, EDS files for CANopen and DeviceNet, XML file for EtherCAT and XDD file for POWERLINK can be found in the subdirectory \Firmware\.
LinMot-Talk 6 User Manual
Documentation of:
The handling of these packages is described in the LinMot-Talk User Manual. The packages can be used from LinMot-Talk version 6.10.
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